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Guiding Your Child in Prayer


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The four seasons––winter, spring, summer, and fall––offer some great insights for those who take the time to look and observe their beauty. The Creator of the heavens and the earth is neither quiet nor thoughtless as He changes our times and transforms our seasons. How sad to go through the changing seasons of life blindly and drudgingly without discovering the purpose of change!


The Devotional books have given me insights into God's Word.

Cornerstone Fellowship


Pastor Alan & Mary's Devotional Series has helped me grow in relationship.

Christian Assembly Member

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An Interactive Book

We believe God wants all to have an encounter with Him so that we have the confidence to know that we have eternal life. The only way to know this is if our salvation rests in Jesus and not our own performance. If it depends on us, then we are saved on a good day, and on a bad day, we aren't really sure. If I rely on what Jesus has done for me, then I can know that God has given me eternal life. Specifically, giving Jesus His rightful place will cause us to walk in humility and grace.

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Bible Study

The Book of Revelation is well sought out in our day and hour. The book has some of the Bible's most dramatic and frightening language.


The goal in writing this Bible Study material is so that you would know the blessings that come to those who study and apply God's Word to your heart. 

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